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Learn What's Happening with the Government Affairs Department - Industry Advocate Newsletter

  • 1.  Learn What's Happening with the Government Affairs Department - Industry Advocate Newsletter

    Posted 09-17-2024 15:14

    Good Afternoon,

    We have a newsletter that covers the various advocacy work that PRINTING United Alliance is doing to help our industry. This year our EHS team has done incredible work to preserve the ability of printers to do business in New York and other states - with Washington and New Jersey considering unnecessary regulation that would gut our industry. The EHS Department is involved in industry-specific advocacy by participating in workshops, public hearings, and developing and submitting comments requesting changes to legislation or regulation. We closely follow legislation, launch action alerts to allow our members to contact their legislators, advocate with the legislators through coalitions and with our lobbying group ACG at the federal level, and we sign-on to policy statements and letters. Our Government Affairs activities are overseen by Alliance CEO Ford Bowers, and Stephanie Buka, our Government Affairs Coordinator. Steph is also the editor of the newsletter and keeps us all informed.  

    Subscribe and get the scoop every month!


    Gary Jones
    VP, EHS Affairs
    PRINTING United Alliance
    (703) 359-1363 |